The International Crimes Division of the High Court Set to Deliver Judgement Against Former LRA Commandant Thomas Kwoyelo

Written by on July 9, 2024

The International Crimes Division of the High Court sitting at Gulu has set August 13th 2024, to deliver it’s Judgement against a Former commandant ot the  Lord’s Resistance Army Thomas  Kwoyelo alias Latoni.

In December 2023 , the same  Court confirmed 78 out of 93 charges against Kwoyelo .  The charges  stem from a 20 year old  political  insurgency in Northern Uganda under the leadership of  Joseph Konny  against the Government of Uganda.


The war ran from 1992-2005.

According to the indictment,  Kwoyelo is said to have breached the Fourth Geneva Convention  Act (1964)  by  committing atrocities including; Wilful killings , taking hostages, Extensive destruction of property, Causing serious injury to body, and Inhumane treatment.

He is further charged with  committing  Crimes Against Humanity such as  Murder, Rape, cruel treatment, Outrages , Enslavement, Torture and aggrevated robbery and attacks on civilian IDP camps .


His trial was conducted by four  justices of the Highcourt; Michael Elubu,  Stephen Mubiru,  Duncan Gaswaga and  Andrew Bashaija, but before delivering their final verdict , the court will fist hear from the unbiding opinion of assessors on 2nd August


His leader Joseph Kony is on the run and still wanted by the International Crimes Court in the Hague but in March this year, the court dissolved to try Kony in absentia after it was confirmed that he qualifies as a  person who cannot be found .


His hearing for the confirmation of charges will be held on 15th/ October at the Hague .

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