Members of parliament on the parliamentary committee on commissions statutory authorities and state enterprises were surprised to learn that there are six former employees of Uganda bureau of statistics who still get salaries and yet they left to other government agencies.
While scrutinizing the auditor general’s report for the financial year 2022-2023 about Uganda bureau of statistics, MPs on the above committee found out that those six were also getting salaries in the other agencies where they went.
The MPs therefore asked the UBOS accounting officer Arizik Kawuda Lubega who had led the team from UBOS to answer the queries in the auditor general’s report to explain why the six were left on UBOS’s payroll.
Lawmakers on the committee asked the Uganda bureau of statistics officials to make sure they recover all the monies which were paid to those six former employees or else they will be personally liable for the loss.
The vice chairperson of the committee directed Arizik Kawuda Lubega to table the names of those six former employees and total amount of money falsely paid. |