Rwakajara Declares Intention to Boot Baryomunsi from NRM Top Organ
Home Trending News Trending Stories Rwakajara Declares Intention to Boot Baryomunsi from NRM Top Organ
Trending Stories - December 5, 2024

Rwakajara Declares Intention to Boot Baryomunsi from NRM Top Organ

Workers member of parliament Emmanuel Arinaitwe Rwakajara has announced his intention to unseat the minister of ICT Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, from the NRM party CEC vice chairperson of western Uganda.

Rwakajara was meeting the leaders of worker’s unions at Kampala Serena Hotel.

He said he is ready to contest and get votes from various regions nationwide and beat the incumbent Dr.Chris Baryomunsi.

“You heard the members of the workers league proposing that I should take up the vice chairperson western Uganda and I want to confirm that I am ready I will contest.” Rwakajara asserted.

He said his major target is to use the position to rejuvenate the NRM party structures and fight corruption in government.

“The bible says Psalms 11:3 that when foundations are being destroyed what should the righteous do? The righteous rebuild firm foundations, I’m there to rebuild firm foundation of NRM I’m there to rebuild firm foundation and principles of NRM and motivate and activate the system…” He told journalists.

His announcement comes barely a week after the speaker of parliament, Anita Among, also vowed to remove Rebecca Kadaga from the position of the CEC National female vice chairperson.

Among joined hands with Deceased Jacob Oulanya and removed Kadaga from the Speakership in 2021. Among later took the seat after the demise of Oulanya in 2022.

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