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Ruparelia Foundation Gifts 3 Orphanage Centres In End of Year Donation Drive Ruparelia Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Ruparelia Group, a conglomerate owned by Dr. Sudhir Ruparelia, together with partners has donated more than 5,000 amazing gifts and goodies to the community and orphanages in an End of Year Donation Drive. Under the theme [...]
The Parliament committee on physical infrastructure has rejected a proposal by the Landlords to charge rent in dollars. According to the resolution,rent shall be charged in Uganda shillings. This comes as the committe finalized scrutinizing the landlord and tenant bill 2021.  The committee has also made it mandatory for tenants to have written agreements with [...]
The government has withdrawn a condition that passengers must prove that they are fully vaccinated before using public transport. The cancellation of the directive comes barely a week after it was announced by President Yoweri Museveni, as a condition for reopening the economy and allowing public service vehicles to load their full capacity. Passengers were [...]
Teachers in different schools are struggling to come up with the content to prepare for learners with just a few days to re-opening. Teachers are expected to prepare schemes of work before every beginning of the term, detailing the content from the syllabus that will be taught. However, this year is special given the fact [...]
Makerere University staff have embraced the ongoing headcount exercise which was authorized by the Appointments Board. Dr. Davis Malowa Ndanyi, the Director Human Resource says the staff head count is required to implement a new salary payment method that should have taken effect last year. According to the new payment method, staff will be paid [...]
Residents of Bukedea district stormed Bukedea central police station with bodies of two suspects who are said to have died under mysterious circumstance during their detention at the station. The Police fired bullets and teargas to disperse protestors. The two dead suspects had been detained following the murder of one Francis Opolot of Kachumbala Sub [...]
An international non-governmental organization is set to give out 100,000 shillings to each eligible private school teacher in primary and secondary schools. GiveDirectly is an organization that focuses on poverty alleviation and humanitarian relief via livelihood cash transfers. According to the ministry of gender the cash relief program will support 300,000 teachers across the country- [...]
The Uganda Revenue Authority posted a revenue shortfall of 690.3 Billion Shillings in the first four months of the 2021/22 financial year. According to the target given by the Ministry of Finance, URA was supposed to have collected a total of 6.8 trillion shillings by October, However, only 6.1 trillion shillings was collected. A breakdown [...]
The reopening of the Old Taxi Park remains uncertain. In May 2020, Kampala Capital City Authority-KCCA started renovations in the park and planned to complete the works in three months. However, to date, the park remains closed with works partially done. KCCA Council resolved to open the park on October 20 as works continue, a [...]
Business at the Malaba border point has come to a halt as  truck drivers strike enters a third day. The truck drivers are protesting against the mandatory fee of Ugx100,000 (3,600 Kshs.) charged for COVID-19 testing as they cross into Uganda. The drivers who started the silent strike on Monday have since parked their trucks [...]

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