Goldstar Insurance Company’s Credit Rating Upgraded To AA By GCR Due To Improved Management

Written by on October 19, 2023

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In a significant development, Goldstar Insurance Company Ltd, a prominent Ugandan insurance provider, has received a substantial boost in its credit rating. The South African rating agency, Global Credit Rating (GCR), has raised Goldstar’s rating from A+ to AA, signifying a remarkable two-level upgrade.

Goldstar Insurance AA credit rating

Left to right, Mr Jay Sakaria, Asibat Mwambu and Enock Mudadi addressing the press.

The primary driver behind this remarkable upgrade is Goldstar’s unwavering commitment to enhanced management and governance. The company has undertaken pivotal changes, particularly in its board composition, aligning itself with regulatory requirements. Additionally, the enhancement of its business profile has played a pivotal role, with Goldstar now firmly positioned in the intermediate competitive stratum within the insurance industry.

Enock Mudadi, Chief Operations Officer at Goldstar, has expressed the company’s dedication to delivering services at international standards. This commitment is all the more noteworthy, considering that Goldstar serves numerous multinational and regional companies, despite its identity as a local insurer.

Goldstar Insurance AA credit rating

Enock Mudadi, Goldstar’s Chief Operations Officer, emphasizing the company’s commitment to delivering services at international standards.

The upgraded AA credit rating is a strong indicator of Goldstar’s exceptional ability to meet insurance claims effectively, setting it apart from many local insurance companies. GCR’s assessment recognized Goldstar’s robust financial profile, characterized by a strong risk-adjusted capitalization, high liquidity, sustained underwriting profitability, and sound net earnings.

Jay Sakaria, Chief Actuary at Goldstar, emphasized the importance of educating Ugandans about the significance of credit ratings in the insurance landscape. It’s important to note that credit rating assessment is voluntary in Uganda. Still, Goldstar’s proactive participation underscores its strength and financial stability, a fact that can instill greater confidence among its clientele.

Goldstar Insurance AA credit rating

Part of the Goldstar insurance management team during the AA rating announcement.

In conclusion, Goldstar Insurance’s ascent to an AA credit rating, a testament to its improved management and governance, is not just a notable achievement but also an affirmation of its steadfast commitment to excellence in the insurance sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the significance of Goldstar's credit rating upgrade to AA?

Goldstar’s credit rating upgrade to AA signifies its exceptional financial strength and the ability to meet claims effectively, setting it apart from many local insurance companies.

2. What were the key factors that contributed to Goldstar's credit rating upgrade?

Enhanced management and governance, alignment with regulatory requirements, an improved business profile, and a strong financial profile were key factors in the upgrade.

3. Why is Goldstar's credit rating assessment voluntary in Uganda?

Credit rating assessments are not mandatory in Uganda, making Goldstar’s voluntary decision to undergo the assessment a demonstration of its strength and financial stability.

4. How is Goldstar different from other local insurers?

Goldstar serves multinational and regional companies despite being a local insurer, offering a unique approach that bridges the local-global gap effectively.

5. What is the role of credit ratings when purchasing insurance?

Credit ratings provide valuable insights into an insurer’s financial stability and reliability, helping consumers make informed choices when selecting insurance providers.

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